Mudra are the best kept secret of ancient India.

As it is said, the best place to hide something, is in plain sight!!

If you have carefully seen images or paintings or statues of Indian deities,
you will notice that each of them are shown with peculiar hand gestures.

These hand gestures are called ‘Mudra’.

Mudras also hold an important place in other eastern cultures.
Buddha statues found around the world are always depicted with various hand gestures.

Check out these images.

A Tale of Two Friends

On a beautiful late spring afternoon, fifteen years ago,
two young men graduated from the same business school.

They were very much alike, these two young men.

Both had been better than average students, both were personable and both as young college graduates are,
were filled with ambitious dreams for the future.

Recently, these two men returned to college for their reunion.

They were still very much alike.
Both were happily married. Both had children.
And both, it turned out, had gone on to start their own businesses, which were now very successful.

But there was a difference.

Chris* had put on a lot of weight,
was gulping down pills for backache, hypertension and stress related disorders.
He looked much older that his actual age.

Whereas, Steve* looked much younger for his age, was fit as a fiddle,
had an infectious energy and a very lean physique.

(* – both names changed to protect privacy.)

Steve had created a lifestyle business around his passions,
so he had adequate time to look after himself.
He had a proper, disciplined Yoga regimen and even worked out with weights a few hours a week.

Chris on the other hand, had created a life around his business.
The money was good but he had no time for himself, and always had too much on his mind.
A sedentary work regimen, no time for exercise and Constantly being under stress, had taken its toll.

Meeting Steve that day was like a much needed ‘kick in the nuts’ for Chris.

He decided that things had to change and started searching for health and wellness techniques that he could incorporate in whatever little time he had available.

That is when one of my clients told him about Mudra healing.

Chris was hitched from the moment he read about this technique and performed his first Mudra.
Now he started practicing these simple hand gestures whenever and wherever he could,
even while working, traveling, waiting for someone or when stuck in traffic.

Within a few months he was off all his pills,
had shed a lot of pounds from all the right places and always felt very active and energetic.
All the signs of ageing simply vanished.

Mudra healing worked for Chris and it will work for you too…

Don’t get me wrong.

People reading this might think that since I am talking about Mudras, I am against Yoga.

On the contrary, I think, Yoga is the best form of workout and healing methodology that has ever existed.

What I do disagree with is the ridiculous commercialization and merchandising that has taken over Yoga these days.

I mean c’mon!!!
The people who invented Yoga, did so using a mat made up of dried grass, wearing nothing but a loincloth.
As minimal as it could get.

On the other hand, look at all the Fads around Yoga these days,
fancy ropes and knots to pull and keep your limbs in a particular position,
the custom made blocks for balancing,
special chairs to perform an asana,
breathable yoga tights to prevent sweating,
special shoes with gripping soles,
waterproof mats and what not…

I think all these ‘accessories’ are the push-up bras of Yoga.
They don’t do shit, just make you look good.

If anything, Mudras compliment your Yoga practice beautifully.

If you are a Yoga enthusiast, here is a fun way of looking at it;
think of Mudras as a ‘quickie’ if you don’t have ample time,
or think of them as ‘essential foreplay’ before you give in to your deep, sensual Yoga session.

Here is what Jennifer Gonzalez, a New York based Yoga teacher who teaches Yoga at the New Hyde park for over a decade now, had to say about Mudras;

How do Mudras work?

Now I will explain to you what Mudras actually are and How do they work.

The post will be long, so grab yourself a cup of coffee if you want to.

You might get bored with the technical details, but I have a trick for you.

When and if you get bored, imagine that an Indian guy is reading it out loud to you,
Kunal Nayyar a.k.a Rajesh Koothrapalli of ‘The Big Bang Theory’ or
Apu from ‘The Simpsons’ will do the trick.

(I know this might sound racist, but it is kinda ok when an Indian does it :P)

Let’s get down to business.

What are Mudras?

According to the Vedic culture of ancient India, our entire world is made of ‘the five elements’ called as The Panch-Maha-Bhuta’s.
The five elements being Earth, Water, Fire, Wind and Space/Vacuum.
They are also called the earth element, water element, fire element, wind element and space element.

These five elements constitute the human body –
the nutrients from the soil (earth) are absorbed by the plants which we consume (thus we survive on the earth element),
the blood flowing through own veins represents the water element,
the body heat represents the fire element, the oxygen we inhale and the carbon dioxide we exhale represents the wind element
and the sinuses we have in our nose and skull represent the space element.

As long as these five elements in our body are balanced and maintain appropriate levels we remain healthy.
An imbalance of these elements in the human body leads to a deteriorated health and diseases.

Now understand this, the command and control center of all these five elements lies in our fingers.
So literally, our health lies at our fingertips.

The Mudra healing method that I am going to teach you depends on our fingers.

To understand this, we should first know the finger-element relationship:
Thumb – Fire element.
Index finger – Air element.
Middle finger – Space/Vacuum element.
Third finger – Earth element.
Small finger – Water element.

This image will give you a better understanding of the concept:

When the fingers are brought together in a specific pattern and are touched to each other, or slightly pressed against each other,
the formation is called as a ‘Mudra’.
When the five fingers are touched and pressed in a peculiar way to form a Mudra,
it affects the levels of the five elements in our body,
thus balancing those elements and inducing good health.

How Do These Mudras Work?

To understand how the Mudras work, we first need to know the ‘Prakriti’ concept of Ayurveda.

Prakriti (The Basic Bodily Constitution)-
According to Ayurveda, every person is constituted of the Three Dosha’s –
The Vata Dosha, The Pitta Dosha and The Kapha Dosha.

And, any one of the three Dosha’s is most dominant among them,
which determines the basic or primary constitution or Prakriti of an individual.

The core concept of Ayurvedic medicine is that,
the five fundamental elements integrate into physical form as the three Doshas and health exists when there is a balance between the three fundamental bodily Doshas known as: Vata, Pitta and Kapha.

The physical volume of a human being is mainly composed of Kapha,
the chemical processes and reactions taking place in the body are due to the manifestation of Pitta, and the bodily movements and activities are attributed to Vata.

For an individual to remain healthy, these three basic substances (doshas) must be in equilibrium.
Any kind of disequilibrium of these doshas will cause disintegration of the body which leads to disease.

But, if the doshas are excited or vitiated they produce disease in the body.

Vata –
Vata is the air principle necessary to mobilize the function of the nervous system.
The main functions of Vata are to give motion to the body, conduction of impulses from sensory organs,
separation of nutrient and waste from food, secretion of urine and semen.

In healthy condition it performs all the physiological functions in the body, it is responsible for speech & hearing, it regulates the normal circulation in the body and it is also responsible for formation and development of foetus in intra-uterine stage.

When excited or vitiated, it produces psychosomatic disorder, causes weight loss,
loss of physical strength and it may cause congenital deformities.

Pitta –
Pitta is the fire principle which uses bile to direct digestion and hence metabolism into the venous system.
The endocrine functions in the body and other biological activities in the human body are caused by Pitta.
It is the by-product of human blood (Rakta).

Pitta is homologous of blood and both originate in spleen and liver.
Pitta can be physically observed, it is a yellow coloured viscous liquid, it has a fleshy and unpleasant smell.
Pitta provides volume and colour to blood, induces proper digestion, proper vision.
It is responsible for body heat, appetite, thirst, complexion and intelligence.

Kapha –
Kapha is the water principle which relates to mucous, lubrication and the carrier of nutrients into the arterial system.
When compared to Vata and Pitta, Kapha is the most stable of the three doshas and it is mainly composed of water.

It is responsible for formation of bodily structures.
It is white in colour, thick, viscous, slimy and soft to touch.
The body owes its softness, smoothness, moisture and coolness to Kapha.

The Kapha joints together various structures of the body and the joints.
It promotes healing, immunity and tissue-building within the body.
Kapha provides stability, physical strength and sturdiness to one’s body

The Dosha – Element – Finger Relationship:

Remember the finger-element relationship image I showed you earlier? That comes into play now…

# Vata Dosha – Air Element + Space/vacuum Element
Thus the levels of ‘Vata’ in your body can be very easily manipulated/changed/regulated by using your index finger, middle finger and Thumb.

# Pitta Dosha – Fire Element + Water Element
The levels of ‘Pitta’ in your body can be regulated by using your small finger and Thumb.

# Kapha Dosha – Water Element + Earth Element
The levels of ‘Kapha’ in your body can be regulated by using your small finger and ring finger.

The Mudra healing technique is based on understanding the imbalances in your dosha’s which are the underlying cause of your disease
and then regulating and balancing your dosha’s through simple hand gestures and curing you without any external medication.

Fingers – Control Knobs of Your Health:

Mudras are broadly classified into two types;
#1 Asanyunkt Mudra – Mudra performed on each hand individually
#2 Sanyukt Mudra – Mudra performed by using both the hands

But, this is the external physical aspect of these Mudras,
let’s now see how our fingers act as 3 Mode control knobs for inducing good health.

Here’s the “element – Finger’ relationship again;
Thumb – Fire element.
Index finger – Air element.
Middle finger – Space/Vacuum element.
Third finger – Earth element.
Small finger – Water element.

Mode I-
Balancing the Element:
when the tip of a finger is touched to the tip of the thumb and pressed slightly,
it results in regulating the level of the element associated with that finger in harmony with the other elements.

Mode II-
Enhancing the Element:
When the tip of the thumb is touched to the base of a finger and pressed slightly,
it results in increasing the level of the element associated with that finger.

Mode III-
Suppressing the Element:
When a finger is curled down and the nail of that finger is covered by the tip of the thumb or
when the tip of the finger touches the base of the thumb and the thumb covers over the back of the finger,
it results in reducing the level of the element associated with that finger.

That is all you need to know about the technical aspect of these Mudras.

Can I perform these Mudras?

The most common question I get asked is;
“Will these Mudras work for me?”

I’m like “D’uh!”


The Stupidest question I am asked is;
“Will this Mudra practice interfere with my faith and religious beliefs?”

Then I’m like “WTF!!!”

I don’t give a shit if you are a believer or a belieber.

I don’t care which religion you subscribe to.

I don’t care what your sexual orientation is.
(btw, I am a huge fan of Gay guys, they not only take themselves out of the game they also take one more guy out with them. So, less competition for us straight ones.)

don’t get me started about God.
For all we know,
mankind has been using the wrong pronoun for Her, since eternity.

The bottom line is;
If you are a Homo sapien,

Mudras will work wonders for you…

When can I perform these Mudras?

That is the beauty of Mudra healing, You Can Practice These Mudras Anyplace-Anytime.
– while traveling/commuting
– while watching TV, sitting on your favorite couch
– while reading your favorite book or newspaper or magazine
– while chatting with your friends and family
– While walking your dog
– while you are waiting for someone
– while Meditating

The options are unending…

4 Basic Mudras for Beginners –

Now it is time for you to learn a few basic Mudras.

Mudra #1
Dnyanamudra / Mudra of Wisdom

– Sit in a comfortable position.
– Your head, neck and spine should be in straight alignment.
– Now, touch the tip of your thumb with the tip of your index finger and press slightly.
– Keep all the other fingers straight as shown in the image.
(Thumb represents the fire element while the index finger represents the wind element, this mudra brings together the fire and wind elements.)

No time limit for this Mudra and it can be done at any time you wish.

Helps in attaining a peaceful mind.
Increases concentration.
Sharpens your brain thus increasing intelligence.
Anxiety, Anger and Laziness just disappear when you perform this Mudra.
Most importantly, this Mudra regulates the hormonal secretion by Pituitary and Pineal glands.
This Mudra is extensively used in curing Insomnia.
In cases of Migraine, Dnyanamudra done together with Pranamudra have proved to be very helpful.
This Mudra should be practiced frequently and for longer duration by anyone who is facing any kind of psychological disorders.

Mudra #2
Akashmudra / Mudra of Sky

– Touch the tip of your thumb with the tip of your middle finger.
– Keep all the other fingers straight as shown in the image.
(here we bring the fire element and the space element together.)

No time limit for this Mudra and it can be done at any time you wish.

This Mudra is especially useful for people with Heart Disorders.
This Mudra strengthens your Heart.
Performing this Mudra regularly strengthens your bones.
In cases of a locked jaw, this Mudra works as a charm.
On an emotional level, this Mudra works as an amazing self-confidence booster.
It helps in strengthening your teeth.
This Mudra should be regularly performed by people with Heart disorders and Bone disorders.

Mudra #3
Prithvimudra / Mudra of Earth

– Touch the tip of your thumb with the tip of your ring finger and press slightly.
– Keep all the other fingers straight as shown in the image.
(here we bring the fire element and the earth element together.)

15 to 35 minutes at a stretch, and it can be done at any time you wish.

Performing this Mudra regularly reduces physical weakness.
If you want to gain weight this Mudra is for you.
This Mudra is helpful in improving digestion.
After doing this Mudra you will feel and look extremely fresh.
If you are feeling down, this Mudra will elevate your mood.
With regular practice of this Mudra you will notice a peculiar glow of your skin.
This Mudra is also believed to channel in positive energy into your body from the earth.

Mudra #4
Pranamudra / Mudra of Life

– Touch the tip of your thumb with the tip of your ring finger and the tip of your small finger.
– Keep the index finger and the middle finger straight as shown in the image.

No specific time limit for performing this Mudra.
It is especially helpful if performed for 10 minutes, after lunch and dinner.

This Mudra helps in reviving the Prana-Shakti (life-force).
This Mudra helps in digestion, hence is advised to perform after your meals.
It helps in enhancing the Immune system of the body.
If you are having any trouble sleeping, this Mudra helps cure Insomnia.
Being well and healthy isn’t all about physical health but also about psychological health and well being, and this Mudra is the key to maintain that psychological well being.

What’s next?

Want to learn more about the wonders of these simple hand gestures and how they can transform your life for better,
enroll in the,
FREE ‘7 Day Mudra Mastery’ email course.

what will you get in the email course, you ask….

well for starters,
as soon as you enroll, a Mudra will land in your inbox, which Ayurveda calls as ‘The Preserver of Youth.’

Still not interesting enough…
How about a Mudra, which evokes the feelings of happiness and laughter within a couple of minutes of performing it.
No matter how sad, feeling depressed or feeling down you are, 2 minutes of this Mudra and you will be grinning ear to ear.

Want some peace and calm after a tiring day or, want to push out all the negative thoughts which pull you down, out of your mind…
There is a Mudra for that too.

How about a Mudra which will miraculously help you increase your focus and will increase your memory manifolds…

Now that I have your attention;

Don’t waste any more of your time,
more than 3000 amazing people have enrolled in this free course in the past 7 days and you are amazing too…

Click on the button below to enroll.
I will see you in your inbox.