I love how you explain everything. I always knew our hands had healing power.
So you have given me more tools to help me get better. Thank you Advait.


I’ve never heard of Mudras before and your books explained them all in simple terms with pictures.
Easy- Peasy. Going to give it a try.

Roneel E. Manski

Very interesting reads. Advait shows how these mudras correspond to and influence various aspects of the psycho physical body in a straight forward way.
These are very informative books. satisfying!

George S.

I just bought a copy read it completely, and practiced a few of the Mudra. The shift I felt is phenomenal!!!
Love the pictures and wording. Amazing, love it!

Jamie H.

I am more able to preform the Mudras a lot easier than yoga moves; As I am mobility challenged.
I really like these books, I shall be looking forward to more of them.


Very good starter books, enough pictures to see if I’m doing it right. Practical and informative,
I’m going to be practicing these techniques and journal the results I find.
Thank you for the handy ebooks!

Jennifer Schaper

Great books and I refer to them often.

Karen W.

I started to follow the books and as I did the hand symbol I started relaxing and felt the usefulness of the Mudras first hand. This routine is now part of my morning ritual.
Thanks for teaching me these.

Reinaldo Cabrera

I find these Mudras ‘Great for Relaxation’ after a hectic day.

Retro Diva (username)

Learning about my doshas and current imbalances has been fundamental in giving me direction to restore equilibrium.
The mudras help me center on my health objectives and guide my day.

Dobro Slavic

These books have helped me a lot and gave me a better understanding of how my body works. Thank you!


I look forward to the increased awareness this book offers me to balance my body.


I’ve read and practiced the mudras, there is definitely something to it.

Barbara Board

Great illustrations and summaries of each hand position and what it’s used for.
I had never heard of Mudras but have seen some of the hand positions used in other disciplines and now it all makes a lot more sense after reading the post.
I also got Mudras for Women and it has additional hand positions with some good explanations of when to use them.
If you are into alternative therapies, you owe it to yourself to explore Mudras.

pw001 (username)

I never heard of mudras until I saw these books. Am I glad I tried this!
The books are well-written, easy to follow and the illustrations are clear.
When it rains my sinuses are a mess and I resort to medicine. No more.
The Sky mudra has worked wonders for my sinuses. Thank you Advait!


Wonderful explanation of Mudras and the energy they produce. Easy to follow directions with excellent pictures.
Stay with it. Your hands may hurt at first — go slowly — build up your stamina to sustain a particular finger combination and let the positive results flow.
Don’t make this too hard. Don’t make it hard work. Mudras are designed to help you, support you and give you what you desire. Don’t resist the good news.


This is the first time I’ve read about Mudras. The illustrations and descriptions are easy to understand & follow.
I tried some of the mudras & felt immediate benefits.
For example, I have difficulty with digestion at times. I tried one for digestion & all discomfort disappeared.
These can be practiced while sitting & doing other things like meditating, reading, watching TV.
I plan to purchase more books by this author.

Peggy M.

I just love it! Straight to the point very clear images and explanations.
The Author really shows you how to perform each Mudra and also for how long, very interesting and informative book.
It was a surprise to learn that Mudras are powerful and effective to heal many illnesses, I thought they were only was used in meditation practices.
Thank You so much!

Soraya V.

I must say I was skeptical but once I tried one of the methods of Mudras, I felt my body relax despite my natural tense self.

Bookworm (username)

I learned about mudras from my aunt years ago but never could find the right books with proper descriptions and explanations.
Advait’s books are the guides I have been looking for all those years.
Easy to follow with great descriptions and pictures.
If you looking for proper guides to learn right mudras these books are for you!

Polish Girl (username)

I have always been interested in the natural ancient ways of healing techniques and
this book has brought me a lot of knowledge that I can and will use in my every day life.
I am amazed at how amazingly these mudras work with my body and giving me energy and confidence I so badly needed.
Thank you for these amazing books.


Although I have read a number of books on ‘Mudras’, this contained a GEM of a wisdom of the circuitry of HOW they work in a basic sense.
Thus it made tremendous difference in my understanding of the nuts and bolts of mudras.


I was amazed as to how quickly I felt the energy rise within me.
I felt a sense of peace and accomplishment upon completion of my first use of the Pranamudra.
I will be exploring more uses of the mudras in my life.

Barry Deel